As natural disasters increase in quantity and severity, municipalities find themselves grappling with an increased need for FEMA reimbursements to support emergency response and recovery. If you have been through an emergency operations center (EOC)...

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At Where: Cityworks Conference, Kristen Cox—Executive Director of the Governor’s Management & Budget Office for the State of Utah—discussed common pitfalls that organizations face and presented some innovative solutions to implement instead. Here are three...

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So, you just purchased a new computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). Months of careful research, vendor interviews, product demonstrations, and internal meetings are behind you. Now comes the equally important task of implementation—but where do...

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It’s no secret that state and local government agencies are being asked to do more with fewer resources. It’s not just large projects receiving scrutiny but also labor resources, technology infrastructure, and even the items...

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There’s no question that building integrations to automatically connect Cityworks with other enterprise systems can provide a huge return on investment. However, ensuring the success of those integrations requires considering their wide range in complexity,...

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So, you’ve successfully implemented your new permitting system. The software is live, organizational workflows and calculations have been added, and office and field staff are fully on board. But what do you do with historical...

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In order to care for your public assets, you need a reliable inventory of parts and supplies. But manual inventory tracking can be time-consuming and error-prone. That’s why we’ve focused on improving barcoding capabilities in...

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